Pukalani Hawaii Water Service Central Disposal - Waste water by the numbers

  • 97% of your wastewater is used in reuse irrigation

    On average, about 97% of resident wastewater is discharged into irrigation of the Pukalani Country Club golf course at the Pukalani Wastewater Reclamation Facility, while about 3% discharges to a leach field.

  • Pukalani Wastewater Reclamation Facility By The Numbers

    Pukalani Wastewater Reclamation Facility Flow Summary

    Total plant flow per day (MGD)Ave. reuse flow/day (MGD)Average leach field flow/day (MGD)Leached TN concentration (mg/L)Leached TP concentration (mg/L)Total leach nutrients / year (lbs/year)
    0.179 0.174 0.005 13.1 0.35 220

    The average daily plant flow at the Pukalani Wastewater Reclamation Facility is about 0.18 MGD, reuse is about 0.17 MGD, so estimated flow to a leach field is about 0.1 MGD. Total Nitrogen in the effluent is over 13 mg/L and Total Phosphorous is about 0.35 mg/L.

    Leach Field Flow and Nutrients Per Census Resident

    The total estimated nutrient mass discharged to leach fields per resident per year at the Pukalani Wastewater Reclamation Facility is about 0.1 pounds of dissolved nutrients per year. Each resident contributes about 1K gallons to the leach field per year in Pukalani, averaging about 3 gallons per resident per day.

    Ave. leach field nutrients / resident / year (lbs/year)Ave. leach field flow/resident (gallons/year)Ave. daily leach field flow/resident (gallons/year)
    0.1 1,118 3.1

    The total estimated nutrient mass discharged to leach fields per resident per year at the Pukalani Wastewater Reclamation Facility is about 0.1 pounds of dissolved nutrients per year. Each resident contributes about 1K gallons to the leach field per year in Pukalani, averaging about 3 gallons per resident per day.

    Leach Field Fecal Coliform Cell Counts per Census Resident

    coliform cell counts (MPN/100mL)total coliform cell counts / resident (MPN/year)
    < 1 < 42,314

    Fecal coliform Most Probable Number of colony forming (infection forming) units in recently measured in Pukalani effluent is less than 1.0 per 100 mL, which is below the detection limits for the test used. Total injected fecal coliform colony forming units per census resident is about 42K cells per year.

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